We aim to develop the best coaches in the region through the opportunities we are able to offer across the club and via the support system our Rockets Coach Mentoring Programme provides. We believe the position of working with young people is an incredible one – our expectations of our coaching staff are high, but the rewards we believe are even greater!
Game Day
Our game days at Rockets are special. The Rockets Community of players, families and friends create an amazing atmosphere. Nowhere in the UK will you find this type of atmosphere at junior basketball games and when the whole club come together to support our Senior Teams it is a really special time.
We are looking for help with our Game Day Management, Tuck Shop, Club Shop, game filming, photography and team statisticians. If any of these roles appeal or volunteering is something you have thought about and you’d like to see how you could get involved in game day support then please get in touch using the contact form below.
With more than 1000 young people accessing Rockets activity each week there is never a shortage of volunteer opportunities available. From driving a minibus to inputting data there is a host of jobs that need completing. If you would like to volunteer anything form 1 hour to 10 hours a week then don’t hesitate in contacting us.